Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Is that what you mean when you write about “leaning into your discomfort?”
Self-awareness is the No. 1 skill for improving your EQ. There are things that we aren’t aware of for a reason; they are things that make us uncomfortable, and we don’t want to change so we don’t think about them. It’s like making yourself go to the gym. You have to do that thing you don’t want to do. For example, I need to be a more social husband. When my wife tells me an event is optional and I really want to stay home, I go because I know it’s a place where I’m not naturally a good husband.
You also write about how EQ can help people recover from illness. How?
It’s not that emotional intelligence cures breast cancer, but stress does affect your health. There is a simple biological reason: when you get stressed out, your immune system shuts down. People get stressed out about their emotions. They feel bad. But people who have emotional mastery, when something extreme happens in their life, they are OK with it.