Sunday, July 31, 2005

My mentoring team

In one sense,
I'm alone in my office,
tapping the keys,
looking at the redwoods in the yard

Just me

But the spirits of friends,
captured in the hundreds of volumes
that line the walls
are here to guide me

My invisible mentors
point the way

Need to go for those in red

David Weinberger
Stan Davis
Marty Seligman
Robin Good
Marc Rosenberg

Marcia Conner
John Seely Brown
Elliott Masie
Robert Ornstein
Ram Dass

WIlliam Zinsser
Theodore Leavitt
John Hagel
Kevin Kelly

Jane Knight
Clark Aldrich
Tim O'Reilly
Tony O'Driscoll
Verna Allee

Dave Pollard
Denham Gray
Maish Nichani
Clark Quinn
Stephen Downes

Christopher Alexander
Richard Ayre
Saul Wurman
Jerry Michalski
Esther Dyson

John Taylor Gatto
John Dewey
Robert Mager
Stephen Wolfram
Bob Horn

Gordon MacKensie
George Leonard
Daniel Goleman
Michael Schrage
Ned Davis

Edward Hallowell
Thom Hartman
Eric Vogt
Tom Malone
Ross Dawson

Ellen Langer
Fritjof Capra
Tom Friedman
Doc Searls
Dave Winer

Art Kleiner
Peter Senge
Marc Rothko
Larry Prusak
Tom Stewart

Tom Davenport
the Dalai Lama
Charles and Ray Eames
Gary Trudeau
Scott McCloud

Gloria Gery
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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