Saturday, July 30, 2005

PKM tools from Collectivism

• What do you use to manage your knowledge?

Posted by gsiemens at 2005-03-02 10:51

Information and knowledge are key ingredients in today's world. The pace of development is frustrating many people...we are missing tools that allow for sorting and organizing information/knowledge. I've pieced together a set of tools that I use to make sense of the world around me:

- RSS and blogs
- Wikis for collaboration
- Discussion forums for dialogue
- Furl to keep pages of note
- for tagging and following micro trends
- Skype for real-time dialogue
- iVocalize for real-time collaboration/presentation
- Plone as a "knowledge base" - i.e. a centralizing tool for files, some community building
- The "old stuff" - email, IM

What types of tools are you using to manage your personal knowledge?

- rss for listening
- blogs for speaking (dialog, publication, portfolio)
- wikis for organizing my thinking and collecting my synthesized responses
- raw server space for active archiving documents
- CD's for inactive archive
- database for indexing content
- furl as clipping file
- delicious, but I don't know why or what
- flickr for publishing individual photos
- skype for IM/voip conference
- Civicspace (Drupal based) for collaborative/community spaces
- IM: Usual suspects
- email, irc: use is declining


RSS feeds really changed my life... i have so much more in just a few minutes of my day.

Backpack and Moodle.
Backpack is awesome. I keep links with notes to myself about why I decided to save the link.

The Moodle package I have includes a "course" for instructors so I blog and wiki to myself. Kinda like a diary more robust.

Both allow me articulate what I have learned and ask myself questions that I can think about later.

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