Monday, August 29, 2005

Tipu Ake at Saybrook

Today I attended a seminar at Saybrook on Tipu
, a means of finding strength and building community
naturally. Peter Goldsbury brought this wisdom from the Maoris,
specifically a group that turned around a failing school into a
brand-new winning school through using a model of a tree with birds
and pests.

Informal Learning = life. = consciousness. Leaders for people,
managers for things. Misses leaders for inspiration, managers for

“We manage by sound bites & soap operas.”

For book: impassioned HP cube story. Each our own instructional

Collective wisdom of the workers.

Survey with eyes closed, ideal and actual. Gap analysis.


Group journey to wellness. Organic model. Collective = the unit.
Start outside of the HR box.

Dave Berry's story of the dog and the door.

  1. wellness: Where do we want to be?

  2. Outcomes: What do we do to get there?

  3. Indicators: How will we know we've arrived?

  4. Projects: How to?

imagine learning that starts from shared leadership and bubbles up to gathering the players who pick the ways to do things, collectively sense how things are going, and become wise as a group. it's organic, growing to fulfill a vision of wellbeing in the world.

focusing on the individual when success of the group is what we're after is the old story of nasrudin and his keys.

I was drawn to this in part because I wanted to better incorporate nature into my models. Alas, I returned to find a shootdown from Kevin Kelly--he's too busy to talk.

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