Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gluing Open Source Together

> Teemu,


> Thanks for your email. I just pointed to the blog. I'm interested in
> what you're doing, coupling open source tools. Did you record or
> summarize the session with Stephen and George? I'd love to know more.

See the site, a summary is there, including an interesting discussion
between George and Stephen.

I also tested skype+S5+CGI::IRC a few weeks ago in a different setting,
which worked very well (more collaboration between students to steer my/remote
presentations through chat to a direction the audience was interested in). I also
used my Open Source Blog+Wiki+Aggregation+Forums Dicole software that time:

So the modified S5 to handle AJAX we did for this conference was a good example of remixing
technologies to do what we wanted.

Dorgem (Open Source) was today used for sending webcam pictures every second to a server
which had a small skript to display the webcam. I had it running in the corner of our
web-based chat.

The mobile capability was implemented with an SMS gateway (getting messages) which
was linked to an IRC bot sitting on our chat channel, which was implemented with IRC
technology of course (open source based server). The bot displayed the name of the
sender or phone number and the message.

I wanted to use blogs in round tables for people to guest blog their key ideas but we run
out of time. I also wanted to create podcasts from tables, but once again it was hectic.

The blog was implemented in Wordpress and we used Flickr for getting images quickly
in a usable form. Audacity (Open source) was used for the single podcast we did.

I had recording capability, but forgot to press record. I also forgot
to take videos / pictures as evidence of the session but I know a
portable recorder was used, but I don't know about the quality yet.

The whole point of the session was that our budget was 0$. We did the same what pro-amateurs
and pro-sumers do online every day these days. Tim Berners-Lee original vision of web as a
read/write platform where people build things is becoming a reality.

The working environment for learning -- the physical space, the layout, the furnishings, the equipment, the degree of flexibility we have in using them -- can change how we play and network and learn. I had a super introduction to this during the years I was part of the MG Taylor knetwork (yes, they spelled it that way). They have evolved as a firm but their website for the Knowhere Store (the work environment they designed) is still available at:

Educause is a higher education association for IT folks. Their September issue dealt with space on campus:

There's also a podcast of Lori Gee and Terry Hajduk speaking to the learning space issues of higher education recently for Educause:
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